Explore Web3 and Blockchain Technology in really simple terms.

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The word Assets written and underlined on the blackboard.

What are Digital Assets?

What’s the first thing that pops into your head when I say “tokens”? Are you mentally rummaging through your childhood pockets for arcade tokens? Perhaps you’re whisked away to memories of the intense battles in Street Fighter, or the relentless attempts to snag that elusive oversized teddy bear from the claw machine. Or maybe, it…

Web3: The New Internet Revolution Explained

Think about how the Internet has changed over the years, from basic web pages in the 90s to the interactive online web we have today. I wouldn’t have imagined back then what the Internet would look like.  Ah, the nostalgic journey from the static web pages to the delightfully quirky corners of the early Internet—those…

Tokenization: The Revolutionary Transformation of Assets in the Digital Age

Ever heard of tokenization before? This concept has disrupted traditional finance and changed the we manage assets in the digital age. Tokenization, rooted in blockchain technology, enables the representation of both physical and digital assets as digital tokens. These tokens enable transferring stuff, owning portions of things, and having more liquid assets easy as pie….

what is decentralization

Decentralization: Understanding the Backbone of the Modern Digital World

Decentralization is a concept that’s been making waves in the world of technology and finance these days. Tech enthusiasts, blockchain experts, economists, policymakers, and even social activists are all talking about decentralization.  But what’s the big deal, you might ask? Well, in this article, we’ll delve into the heart of the matter and uncover the…

how does a blockchain work?

Unlocking the Secrets: The Magic Behind Blockchain Technology

In our previous article, we have talked about what a blockchain is. Just to recap, a blockchain is a digital ledger that records transactions across many computers in a network. Building upon this foundation, let’s now delve into its operational mechanics and explore how it works. Alright, so here’s the deal with blockchain – it…

blockchain in neon blue color.

What is a Blockchain in Simple Terms?

I’m sure you’ve come across the buzzword “blockchain” quite often. Actually, I stumbled upon this whole concept after the Bitcoin craze a few years back. Blockchain sounds like something only tech geniuses should understand, and no matter what material I consumed to learn more about it, I just got more confused. Alien words after alien…